A TAXI driver was dragged from his car and hit over the head with a golf club for his £180 takings.

Father-of-one Gareth Robson, 33, was left with a suspected fractured skull and broken nose after the attack in Thames Way, Darlington.

He said: "I was called out to a fare at about 3am, but when I got there, the lights in the house were off.

"A lad walked out from the house next door and jumped in the car.

"He said, 'give me your money'. He hit a hammer shaft over my head."

Mr Robson retaliated with a punch but was dragged from his taxi by another man.

He said: "I got pulled out by my neck.

"As far as I know, I got hit twice with a golf club over my head and then fell to the floor."

The men stole £180 and made off in the taxi, which was later found abandoned and damaged a few streets away.

Mr Robson managed to call police and was taken to the town's Memorial Hospital.

He said: "I just feel totally depressed and fed-up. Mentally, it has affected me in a big way.

"I did not have a care in the world at one time. Now I do not want to go out of the house when it gets dark. I get anxiety attacks and I am up all hours of the morning because I cannot sleep."

Police have arrested a 21-year-old local man in connection with the attack, which took place on March 21. He was released on bail pending the results of forensic tests. They are also hunting a second man.

A Durham Police spokeswoman said: "The difficulty we have is that Mr Robson has been unable to give a description, but we are confident we will be able to track him down."

Anyone with information is asked to call police on (01325) 467681.