A TASK force has been set up to help the 350 workers who lost their jobs this week when the Circatex factory in South Shields closed.

The group, including JobCentre Plus and South Tyneside Council, aims to find employment for those made redundant in the cuts announced this week by the circuit board manufacturer.

Vince Robinson, regional director of JobCentre Plus North East, said: "This is obviously a very bitter blow for the workers, their families and the local economy, but we are now looking at the practical support that we can offer people who have lost their jobs.

"As a first step, people should contact their nearest JobCentre Plus office to make an appointment to find out about benefits and job search support that we can provide."

The task force has put in a bid for more than £90,000 to help the former Circatex employees re-train and find new jobs. It is also organising a jobs fair for the redundant workers, to take place next week.

Mr Robinson said: "Once people have been to see us about their financial circumstances, getting people back into work will be our main priority and we are in discussions with employers who are keen to take on workers who have lost their job."

South Shields JobCentre Plus office will be open on Saturday morning to take claims for Jobseeker's Allowance, but an appointment must be made by calling 0845 60 73 261.