POLICE have promised further night-time crackdowns on drugs in pubs and clubs in East Cleveland following a successful operation.

More than 50 officers took part in Operation Neptune, which targeted 38 pubs and clubs, from 7pm until 3am last Friday and Saturday nights.

Plain-clothed police visited premises in Guisborough, Redcar and Marske, followed by uniformed officers.

Det Sgt Mick Knapper, of the Langbaurgh Drugs Unit, said officers were well received by the majority of pub and club owners.

He said: "They welcomed us. It's a very difficult problem for staff to tackle themselves. It's hard for door staff to check everyone coming in. They don't have the same powers of search as us."

Fifteen people were arrested, including four for the possession of ecstasy with intent to supply, two for possession of cocaine with intent to supply, one for possessing amphetamines and one for possessing cocaine.

There were also arrests for public order offences, suspected theft of a motor vehicle and two for possession of an offensive weapon.

Det Sgt Knapper, said: "It was a very successful operation. News of the raids spread fast but we had our most successful night on Saturday.

"That night we caught people who had set up to deal drugs in a car outside a pub. They were going to deal cocaine and had their scales ready.

"This is the first operation of its kind in this area in two years.

"Now that we've carried out one it will be easier to organise future operations.

"We will be expanding the operation to other parts of the district in the future and use different tactics."

He said his officers were particularly on the look out for ecstasy tablets, which can kill be fatal.

He said certain pubs and clubs, especially those that attracted young people, had a worse drug problem than others, but drug dealing was no worse in East Cleveland than in other areas of the country.

Anyone with information on drug dealing in the Langbaurgh area should contact police on (0800) 0929702 or Crimestoppers on (0800) 555111.