FERRYHILL Station Primary School has won £300 and been named the Gold Oak winner in the Sedgefield Borough Yellow Woods Challenge.

The initiative is run by Yellow Pages, the Directory Recycling Scheme and the Woodland Trust.

Working with Sedgefield Borough Council and Butterwick Hospice at Bishop Auckland, 16 schools took part in the challenge, which encouraged children to collect old Yellow Pages directories.

Pupils collected almost 4,100 directories, which have been taken to Foreman Recycling, in Spennymoor.

Ferryhill Station Primary School took top honours after it collected almost 14 directories per pupil.

As well as their prize, a tree in a Woodland Trust wood will be dedicated to the school by Yellow Pages.

Aycliffe Village Primary School finished second. It received £200 and a Silver Birch certificate.

Third place went to Dean Road Nursery School, Ferryhill, which won £100 and a Bronze Beech certificate.

Stephenson Way Primary School in Newton Aycliffe will receive £100 from Sedgefield Borough Council after it finished a very close fourth.

Oliver Priestley-Leach, the council's waste management officer, said: "Schools have had great fun recycling old directories and learning about the environment and woodland."