A SCHEME to give victims of anti-social behaviour peace of mind was launched earlier this week.

Householders across the Hardwick area of Stockton are being given the chance to apply for phones that will put them in immediate touch with police and local community wardens.

The idea was developed by Colin Rigg, from the area's Neighbourhood Watch, which secured funding for the scheme.

Mr Rigg said: "Anyone who is being plagued by vandals can use the phones.

"They are for residents to keep in touch with police and to give them peace of mind.

"I have fought for funding for them for so long and it is nice we have now been acknowledged.

"We are cutting crime in the area, and hopefully these phones will help to reduce it even further, by at least 25 per cent."

The £3,389 funding has been received from the Stockton Safety Fund.

The phone scheme was launched in Hardwick Primary School, where Mr Rigg gave pupils a demonstration of how the phones work.

Residents who want details can visit the estate's Hardwick Tomorrow office.