BRITAIN'S last military hospital has closed, four months after it was announced that its patients were to be transferred to a private health group.

The Duchess of Kent Psychiatric Hospital, at Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire, closed at the start of the month, ending 200 years of military history.

The MoD and the Priory Group, whose clients have included Paul Gascoigne and Kate Moss, have signed a three-year contract worth between £3m and £5m to treat about 350 patients a year suffering from mental health complaints such as anxiety, depression and alcoholism.

The hospital's inpatients have now been moved to some of the 15 Priory clinics around the country.

The hospital closed after a handover between the garrison's commander, Colonel Jonny Hackett, and the last commanding officer of the hospital, Lieutenant Colonel David Collie.

It will be renamed the Duchess of Kent's Barracks and will provide office accommodation.

Lt Col Collie said: "It is a sad day for medical services, but things move on and the psychiatric care will now be passed on to a private provider.

"The hospital has given a first-rate service for many years for servicemen and women from all three services."

He said the closure would not mean a change in the provision of medical services to local civilians, and said the barracks would continue to house facilities for radiology and oral surgery.

The Garrison Medical Centre will continue to provide treatment for soldiers and their dependants.