A TOWN has been awarded £3.24m to tackle traffic congestion.

Darlington is one of three towns in the country to share a £10m pot after winning the Government's Showcase Transport Town competition.

Along with Peterborough and Worcester, it will act as a role model for other areas by developing a package of measures over the next five years to improve travel and promote walking, cycling and bus use.

These will include a real-time bus information service telling passengers when buses are due to arrive, more school travel plans, extra road safety training for children and travel ambassadors to help people on local bus services.

A "travel centre" giving cyclists a place to leave bikes in the town centre is also being considered.

Darlington Borough Council bid for the money, along with more than 50 other local authorities, with the backing of police, the local health authority, schools and bus companies.

Councillor Nick Wallis, the council's cabinet member for highways and transport, said: "To be selected as one of the country's top three towns for this initiative is a fantastic achievement for Darlington.

"The £3.24m will make a real difference as we battle to reduce the growth in traffic congestion.

"It will make Darlington a better place to live for residents and businesses and really put us on the map as a demonstration town for the best ideas in reducing congestion levels."

Darlington MP Alan Milburn, who supported the bid, said: "This money will help to improve travel and access to alternative transport modes for many different sectors of the community and help create a cleaner and safer environment for all."