WHEN Steven Hicks answered his phone and was told he was talking to Victoria Beckham's mother, he thought it was a wind-up.

But the call was genuine and Posh's mother, Jackie Adams, told Mr Hicks the news he had longed to hear - that his seven-year-old disabled daughter Bethany was to receive a life-changing gift.

The former Spice Girl and her husband, England football captain David Beckham, wanted to buy Bethany, who has the neurological disorder Rett Syndrome, a £700 mobility tricycle to help strengthen her hips.

The celebrity couple made a £70,000 donation to charities Children Today and Action for Kids to help families buy costly equipment.

Bethany's parents appealed to the charities for help to buy the tricycle, which the youngster took possession of this week at her home in the Denes, Darlington.

Mr Hick said: "Initially, we didn't know it was the Beckhams who were behind it. The charity said there was a secret donator who wanted to pay for the trike and could they have our phone number.

"When the phone rang and it was Victoria Beckham's mother, I didn't believe it. My first thought was that it was a wind-up. She was very posh and just said that they wanted to buy the trike."

Bethany, a pupil at Beaumont Hill School, is mentally and physically handicapped and is unable to walk or talk. Mr Hicks said the tricycle may eventually help her to take a few steps.

"At the moment, her hips and legs are quite fragile and this is to strengthen her hips," he said.

"Eventually she should be able to weight-bear for walking, although she is going to need help all through her life.

"We have had the trike out and she's done six laps round the patio. It's brilliant and we're very grateful."

The Beckhams' donation has benefited children around the country, by paying for wheelchairs, cycles and other equipment not available on the NHS.