POLICE were last night hunting two men who raped a woman after offering her a lift home.

Detectives are appealing for taxi drivers and drinkers in Middlesbrough to help them find the men responsible for what was described as "a despicable crime".

The 25-year-old victim, from Sedgefield, County Durham, had been drinking in a number of pubs and bars in Middlesbrough on Sunday night, including Jumping Jacks in Corporation Road.

She tried to catch a taxi home from a rank she thinks was in the Corporation Road area, between 11.30pm and 1am.

At least two drivers refused to take her as she did not have enough money for the fare, before being offered a lift by two men in a black four-door hatchback.

The woman fell asleep and the car is thought to have headed along the A689 before going down a track on the outskirts of Butterwick, near Sedgefield.

The victim was woken up and raped by both the driver and passenger inside the car, before being dumped half-naked at the scene.

She staggered to a farm from where the police were contacted.

The driver is described as dark skinned, of Asian appearance, in his mid to late 30s and about 5ft 10in tall.

He had piercing eyes, bushy eyebrows and short, dark hair, and was wearing a shiny Puffa-style jacket. He spoke with an Asian Middlesbrough accent.

The passenger was white, in his mid 30s, with crew cut hair and with a Middlesbrough accent.

Police would particularly like to trace a woman named Helen who visited several bars with the victim after the pair got talking at about 5pm. Both women had recently had a row with their boyfriends.

Helen is aged about 30, with shoulder-length dark blonde hair and wearing a gold necklace.

Detective Sergeant Jim Cunningham, of Newton Aycliffe CID, said: "We are obviously hoping Helen will come forward as we gather she was with the victim for quite a while in pubs in the town centre.

"It's also vital that any cab drivers who remember a woman trying to catch a ride to Sedgefield late on Sunday night get in touch as well as anyone else using the taxi rank who may recall seeing the black car pull up."

He added: "This was a despicable crime carried out on a victim who was clearly unable to fight off her two attackers."

Anyone with information should contact Newton Aycliffe CID on (01325) 314401 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.