A ONCE-FAILING school has been praised by inspectors for raising its standards.

Eastbourne Comprehensive School, in Darlington, has received its third monitoring visit since it was put into special measures 17 months ago.

Two inspectors from Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education (HMI) found the school leadership strong and effective, and its ethos good and improving.

They praised support systems to help older pupils pass GCSEs, including revision and mentoring schemes.

Headteacher Karen Pemberton was described as "clearly focused on an approach to school improvement that puts at its heart the needs of the pupils".

She said she was delighted that the school's improvements had been recognised.

"HMI is quite clear that the path we have chosen is the correct one," she said.

"They can see from last year's results at GCSE that we can deliver what we promise and that we intend to ensure that the upward trend continues."