A handyman service for vulnerable people in the Stanley area has been launched.

The Green Corridor Handyperson project offers practical help with small jobs that improve the safety and comfort of elderly and disabled residents in South Stanley, South Moor and nearby Craghead.

Labour is provided free of charge, so clients only need to pay for the materials used, at cost price.

Workers will carry out small repairs and maintenance jobs and do home safety checks, identifying jobs that need doing.

The service is managed by Three Rivers Housing Group's Care and Repair Derwentside agency, based in Medomsley Road, Consett.

Peter Hunter, chairman of Care and Repair, said: "I have seen at first-hand how much difference can be made to the lives of clients. The jobs may be small but the differences they make can be enormous."

The service was commissioned by the Stanley Green Corridor Neighbourhood Partnership project last year.

It has attracted funding of £206,000 from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister's neighbourhood renewal unit and Derwentside District Council.

Councillor Les Vaux, chairman of the Green Corridor project, said it was wonderful to see the district council, the Green Corridor and Three Rivers Housing Group working so well together for needy people in the community.

For further details, contact (01207) 581391.