POLICE have been asked to investigate a promise of riches from Europe that could empty bank accounts in the north.

Safia Rasool, of Middlesbrough, received a letter from Spain congratulating her on winning 463,617 euros on a Spanish lottery.

It also included a form asking her to fill in her account and banking details to transfer her winnings.

Abdul Rasool, who is her father-in-law and one of the leaders of Middlesbrough's Asian community, handed the letter with its Madrid address to Cleveland Police.

"I saw straight away this was a con, but the letter looks so official," he said.

"What annoys and worries me is some people are vulnerable and could fall for something like this and have their bank accounts cleaned out."

Cleveland Police joined Mr Rasool in his warning to people, to be wary.

A spokesman said: "You don't get anything for nothing. People should always be aware of that. There are those who play on the hopes of others. But people should be on their guard against this type of con.''

The letter of congratulations from 'La Primitiva Lottery', posted from Spain and purporting to be from the El Gordo Spanish Lottery Company, in Madrid, informs Safia she is one of 23 international winners who are between them are to share a 19.68m euro jackpot.

Ms Rasool has never been to Spain, has no connections with that country and has never bought a lottery ticket.