Government inspectors have been challenged to go back to school, to learn how to spell.

The reproach to Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott's department follows the award of Beacon status to Middlesbrough for its work in cutting crime.

The assessors' report, recommending the award, is littered with spelling errors, prompting the call from Coun Hazel Pearson, leader of Middlesbrough Council's opposition Tory group, to officials to take a crash course in spelling.

The report consistently misspells Middlesbrough as Middlesborough and the name of the mayor, Ray Mallon as Mallan. It also describes the town as being 'streaks ahead' rather than 'streets ahead' of everyone else.

Although the howlers do not appear on the Government's official website or follow up glossy publication, they pepper the inspectors' actual score sheet, a copy of which was passed to The Northern Echo.

Coun Mrs Pearson said: "I would suggest they come into our local education authority schools and have lessons in spelling.

"It's deplorable they write a report and make so many mistakes. A child sitting exams would be failed for making the same errors.''

She said winning Beacon status was a credit to the hard work and dedication of Mayor Mallon.