A foxhound is about to leave its kennels to travel half way around the world to answer a call for help from a hunt in India.

Four-year-old Shepherd - an Old English foxhound from the Hurworth Hunt pack, based at West Rounton, North Yorkshire - is wanted for breeding.

Next month, he will leave his familiar surroundings and fly out to join the Ooty Hunt, which is based at the Defence Services Staff College in Wellington in the Nilgiris area of southern India.

The Ooty Hunt contacted the Hurworth Hunt two years ago.

Hurworth huntsman Joe Townsend said: "Basically, they wanted a fresh blood line in the pack. We have been trying to get him out there for about two years, but getting it all sorted has taken a bit of time."

Now the arrangements for his journey have been finalised and Shepherd will fly out from Heathrow Airport in a special crate on May 21.

The crate has been made to measure so that Shepherd can stand up and turn around comfortably during the flight.

The Ooty Hunt is footing the £1,700 cost of moving Shepherd, who will be escorted by an RAF officer.

Mr Townsend said: "I think he will find it a bit hot for a while but I am sure he will settle in there quite quickly."

The hounds kept by the Hurworth Hunt are Old English foxhounds, which have shorter legs than the modern hounds kept by most hunts.

"They are quite low scenting, which is good for the hot conditions that he will come across in India," said Mr Townsend.

The Ooty Hunt is part of the Ooty Club, which is one of the best preserved of the former British clubs.

The hunt mainly rides in pursuit of jackals, but also does a lot of drag hunting.