AFTER a busy working life centenarian Fred Campbell is still keeping busy, helping in the garden at the care home where he lives.

Mr Campbell celebrated his 100th birthday with a tea party for his family and fellow residents at Southfield Lodge, in Crook, on Sunday.

He was born in Tow Law, starting work as a colliery joiner when he left school at 14. He moved to Crook to work as a handyman and gardener at St Cuthbert's RC Church, where he met his future wife, Mary Weightman, a presbytery maid.

After war broke out, Mr Campbell worked in an ammunitions factory in Low Fell.

Peacetime brought a job at Bankfoot Cokeworks until the company closed and then work repairing wagons and coaches for British Rail.

After he retired at 65 he enjoyed travelling by train and taking day trips to his favourite beauty spots around England and Scotland.