COMMUNITY leaders on a Darlington estate are drawing up a summer holiday activities scheme for children.

Community development worker Sue Davidson told a meeting of Skerne Park Community Partnership that that the estate's youth and community centre had put in a bid for play workers on the estate to provide holiday activities.

However, the bid was unsuccessful and the partnership was looking at other ways to provide activities.

Joyce Standing said there would be £700 available from Darlington Borough Council for a play scheme, but it would not be for wages.

Ms Davidson said there was money available from other organisations and it was hoped to work with other organisations, such as the Anti-Social Behaviour Unit, to provide activities.

"We want to organise it in a way, so there is no main person doing everything, but so it's more of a mish-mash of people doing different activities at different times, so eventually we have a timetable," she said.

A meeting will be held in the next two weeks with various agencies.