RESIDENTS on a council estate say they have not had a play area for four years and want to know when it is going to be replaced.

Members of Skerne Park Partnership heard that Darlington Borough Council removed the play equipment on the estate in 2000 with the promise it would be replaced as part of a rolling programme.

Joyce Standing described how a council officer then went to the estate with plans to discuss where people wanted the new play area, but since then nothing had been heard.

Mrs Standing said: "If they expect children from Skerne Park to go to South Park to use the play equipment there, there is a main road to be crossed to get there, so it's not safe. It is four years since they took the equipment away. I think Skerne Park has been forgotten."

Councillor Joe Lyonette told the meeting there was no council funding available at present for play equipment but perhaps the partnership could look at other funding.

Members were concerned that if the partnership obtained equipment it would be responsible for maintenance that it could not afford.

A spokesman for Darlington Council said the programmne to replace the play area was part of a seven-year scheme.

He said three years ago only four of the council's 50 play areas met European standards, but that had increased to 50 per cent.

"We can't do them all at once and recently we started on the North Lodge Park one. There are others in the pipeline in South Park, and we have been working in Hurworth and Sadberge, so the scheme is ongoing.

"Skerne Park will not be getting theirs in the next 12 months, but as soon as we can, we will do it. It is on the list."