A bakery boss is being taken to an employment tribunal by his wife.

Dawn Milligan is claiming sexual discrimination and unfair dismissal. Her estranged husband, Lloyd Milligan, is the owner of Milligan's Bakeries, which has 33 shops throughout the North-East.

Mrs Milligan has been separated from her husband since 1999 and is in the process of divorcing him.

She has lodged a claim with a Newcastle employment tribunal that she was unfairly made redundant last year.

It is understood Mrs Milligan had been an employee of the firm for several years before the last year's redundancy. When contactedMrs Milligan said she had no comment.

Milligan's was also contacted but declined to comment.

Mr Milligan is the son of the bakery chain's founders. The business was started by his parents, bread baker Norman and confectioner and pastry cook Joan, in 1946.

The shop in Elswick Road, Newcastle, was their only one until son Lloyd, now chairman, joined the business at 15 and quickly built up the company.

A full date for a hearing into Mrs Milligan's claim has yet to be fixed.