A TOWN is investing £2m in a scheme to ensure children get the best start in life.

Children's centres are to be opened across Middlesbrough and will be the base for Sure Start projects and other Early Years services.

Councillor Paul Thompson, Middlesbrough Council's executive member for education, said: "This represents the most ambitious expansion of child care and early years facilities the town has seen. It will put good quality child care facilities and advice on child care, employment and training on the doorstep of thousands of parents."

There will be seven centres operating across the borough by September next year.

A centre in the town's Whinney Banks has opened and during the next 18 months, others will open in new or existing buildings adapted to accommodate them.

In several areas, the centres will be based in schools.

Coun Thompson said: "We're concentrating at first in those areas where there is the biggest need for this kind of facility, building on the excellent work which Sure Start has done in many areas.

"But we want to see this as the model for child care and related services across the town - easily accessible and rooted in the neighbourhood.

"It is an investment which is by its very nature long term, but it is one which is essential to the well being of the town."