DETECTIVES still need to trace three witnesses who may be able to provide vital information in their hunt for two rapists.

Officers say they have had an encouraging response to their appeal for help in finding the men who raped a 25-year-woman on her way home from a night out.

The woman, from Sedgefield, County Durham, had been drinking in several bars and pubs in Middlesbrough, on Sunday.

She had initially gone shopping after a row with her boyfriend the previous day, but at about 5pm got talking outside a pub to a woman named Helen who had also had a row with her boyfriend.

The two women got on so well they visited several bars together but lost each other later in the evening.

The victim tried to get a taxi home from a rank, believed to be in Corporation Road, between 11.30pm and 1am, but two cabbies refused to take her as she did not have enough money for the fare.

At this point, two men in a black four-door hatchback offered her a lift home to Sedgefield.

They drove to a secluded lane, near Butterwick, where both men raped her before dumping her semi-naked at the scene.

Detective Sergeant Jim Cunningham, of Newton Aycliffe CID, said: "We've had a very encouraging early response and a number of potentially useful leads, which we are in the process of following up.

"But we are still very keen to hear from the woman called Helen and the two taxi drivers.

"We haven't had a call from any of them at this stage and we are hoping that they do get in touch."

Anyone with information is asked to contact Newton Aycliffe CID on (01325) 314401 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.