CONTRACTORS have had to replace a project team working on a leisure centre which has been beset by delays.

The Louisa Centre, in Front Street, Stanley, is undergoing a £5.7m redevelopment that includes a new swimming pool and gym.

The pool was due to open in spring 2003, but bosses at Derwentside District Council were left fuming after the launch date slipped by more than a year. The authority has revealed that part of the problem was down to Anglian Water Group (AWG) Construction, the contractor working on the pool.

AWG replaced its project team after complaints about the quality of some of the work.

Steve Howell, head of leisure services, said: "AWG recognised that some of the work was not done right and the new team have put it right, to a high quality standard.

"They have had to go backwards to go forwards, but we are very pleased with how they have tackled this crucial element."

The 30-year-old Burns pool in the town was demolished in 1997 because of structural faults, leaving residents without a swimming pool.

Work started on the new building in November 2001 but in 2002, a European firm which was paid to supply insulating panels for the pool went into liquidation.

The site is riddled with former mine workings, and last year, a wall of the building had to be demolished and rebuilt, because it was not properly secured in place.

The end product will be a six-lane competition pool with 300 seats for spectators.

"There will also be a smaller training pool with a mobile floor that can be raised or lowered to suit swimmers of all abilities.

But council bosses are remaining tight-lipped about the revised launch date.

Mr Howell said: "The internal works are progressing very well now. We cannot give a date yet, but hope it will be in the coming months."

A spokeswoman for AWG said: "There have been delays and a change in the team to address these issues.

"These have been addressed and the project had progressed very well. What was a very dark picture has been turned around.

"The facility is quite something and will be something the people of Stanley can be proud of."