TRADERS on a Darlington street are to meet council officials to protest about plans to introduce on-street car parking charges.

Businesses on Grange Road fear their shops could be forced to close if fewer people visit the street because they have to pay.

The period of consultation on the council's planned town centre on-street car parking scheme - which would see motorists charged £1 an hour on roads that already have waiting restrictions - has now come to an end.

But traders on Grange Road, Duke Street, Northumberland Street and Gladstone Street, who fear their businesses may become unfeasible if the charges come in, are still writing letters of protest to the council.

The Grange Road traders' association has produced posters that shops are displaying to make people more aware of the proposals.

Andy Atkins, who runs Cooks and Kitchens on Grange Road, said: "A lot of people are still unware of the changes. There were two council notices put up recently in the street but only one is left and people just haven't seen it.

"Grange Road is a unique place to shop in Darlington and our direct competition is with Yarm and Northallerton, both of which have free disc parking.

"Our street is the kind of place where people park up and pop in to pick things up, or just to have a quick look round. They won't want to pay extra money to have to do that."

As a result of the changes, the council will take over enforcement measures on the streets concerned from the police - and will make money from the parking tickets issued.

Mr Atkins wants shoppers, and other traders around the town, to write to the borough council if they disagree with the plans.

A council spokeswoman said a report was being prepared which would be presented to the scrutiny committee, then to the council's cabinet meeting.

* The roads being considered for car parking charges are: Beaumont Street, South Street, Grange Road, Northumberland Street, Larchfield Street, Powlett Street, Primrose Street, East Raby Street, Raby Street, West Powlett Street, Duke Street, Barnard Street, Winston Street, Napier Street, Abbey Road, King Street, Kendrew Street, Gladstone Street, North Lodge Terrace, Park Place, Hargreave Terrace, Victoria Road and Victoria Embankment.