PARISH councillors are calling a meeting next week to discuss the fate of a children's playground.

West Auckland Parish Council is one of a number in Wear Valley being urged to take over play areas to save them from closure, raising the cost through a precept or parish charge.

District councillors agreed on Monday to shut 30 playgrounds because they could not afford to meet strict inspection targets.

Ian Thompson, head of service contracts for the district, met members of West Auckland Parish Council on Tuesday.

The village is due to lose swings and a multi-play centre in New Street, next to Oakley Cross School, which the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has identified as posing a medium or high risk to children.

Chairman John Ferguson said: "We had a very fruitful discussion. It is up to the parish council to make a decision, but there has been a lot of interest in the issue.

"I have had more phone calls from residents over this than anything else. The playground is in excellent condition and we don't want to lose it."

Tow Law Town Council will meet Mr Thompson on Wednesday.

Councillor Jenny Flynn said the three-week consultation set by the district was not long enough.

She said: "We would like to keep our play areas which are well used and in excellent condition but we won't have a gun held to our heads.

"We have not agreed anything yet, but we will talk to the district."

She said: "We only have a budget of £9,000 a year and we don't feel we can increase that significantly."