MOBILE phone company Orange celebrated its tenth anniversary yesterday - and announced a fundraising walk to mark the occasion.

The firm, which employs more than 5,000 people in the North-East, has asked staff around the world to walk, sail, row, cycle, glide or skateboard a measured distance.

The total distance will add up to the length between all of the 19 countries in which Orange operates. Proceeds will go to children's charity Unicef, with Orange matching the amount raised by its employees.

Orange workers in Darlington, Peterlee, in County Durham, and North Tyneside, celebrated yesterday with 1990s-themed parties.

Orange was launched in the UK on April 28, 1994 and has since become the UK's biggest mobile phone company in terms of customer numbers, with 13.6 million.

It opened its Darlington office in 1994, where it employs about 2,400 people.

The Peterlee site opened in February 1999 and employs about 1,100 staff, while North Tyneside, which opened in March 2000, employs about 1,800 people.