Sir, - Regarding the report "Residents set to lose lorry park battle" (D&S, Apr 23) the Brompton Road residents have my sympathy, though we are in an even worse position.

There can be up to 50 lorries overnight (yes, I counted them once) and every one must depart directly behind our flats, and within a few yards of our bedroom windows. They usually start leaving between 3.30-4.30am, often revving up on cold mornings; then going over a couple of speed bumps nearby, and can disturb even the soundest sleeper, even with our windows closed.

The May Fair, of course, exacerbates the situation, and as I write, the view through the kitchen window, even in our upstairs flat, is of a huge high lorry completely obliterating our view.

If a charge was made, it would go some way to paying for repairs to the park, and would hopefully deter some of the locals who regularly use the place as a free overnight park.


Applegarth Court,



Sir, - Thank you for continuing to report the comments of certain former Northallerton town councillors regarding the sad, sordid, saga of the "organ grinder and monkey". What a delightful insight into the minds of these people.

It seems amazing to me that a man I have known for a number of years should consider it a Christian duty to prolong the matter as his suggestion that this will ensure that never again will a member of the town council decry the efforts of other people.

Surely this has to be an extremely short sighted view as no one can be prevented from expressing legitimate criticism. It appears reasonable to remind your readers (if that is necessary) that although they did not do so in print or vocally, the electorate of Northallerton expressed their views at the last council elections.

Whilst I have to agree that the Mayor's off-the-cuff remark was unfortunate in relation to the complaints about the Joint Burial Committee, I must submit the opinion that the matter should now be considered dead and buried.

On the question of Christianity, 1 do not apologise for reminding Rob Kennedy of the Lord's Prayer.

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Is there nothing for which he needs forgiveness?


Crossbeck Road,
