FOOTBALL star Titus Bramble yesterday backed the call for recruits to boost the defence forces.

The Newcastle United centre half was briefly "called up" to give the recruiting drive a timely push.

Amid the armed forces' heavier-than-expected involvement in the Iraq conflict and in other theatres of tension, including Kosovo, the Territorial and Reserve forces are seeking volunteers.

An estimated 400 recruits are needed to meet the region's target to boost force strength.

Major Fred Calvert, of the TA and Reserve forces' Tyne and Tweed division, paid a visit to Newcastle's St James' Park, where the drive was given the support of the former England under-21 international.

Bramble, 22, a £5m signing from Ipswich three years ago, looked unsure of himself as he handled a Law 94 light anti-tank rocket launcher.

Maj Calvert and the assembled members of the North-East media agreed the United star appears happier when he is trying to quell the advances of some of the Premiership's leading marksmen.

But Maj Calvert was delighted to receive the "celebrity" backing of Bramble.

"We are looking for 400 more TA soldiers in the region and every bit of support is welcome."

Further information on part-time service in the Territorial Army and the Army Cadet Force is available from local TA centres, at Freepost 53, Old Elvet, Durham, or by calling 0191-384 7202.