Cleveland League, Division One: The result of the week in Division One was chalked up by Guisborough Quoit who beat Redcar Cons A 5-1.

Colin Savage set the standard after winning both of his games against Ian Whittle 59-24 and 80-36. Mick McDermott then pulled a frame back for the visitors beating Mick Purdy in his first game 50-23 but Purdy won the next 56-21 putting the Quoit 3-1 frames to the good. Robert Boyes then finished off by taking the final two frames from Kelvin Pickthall with scores of 66-22 and 57-38.

This result has now given the Quoit a lifeline in their battle to remain in Division One. Redcar Lakes A continued their quest to become champions aided by a 6-0 away win against opponents Carlin How A. Gary Beckett continued his excellent form when compiling breaks of 43 and 53 in his match against Brian Magor. Carlin How B recorded an excellent 4-2 away win against Redcar Workies A. Redcar Lakes B continued their good form with a 4-2 home win against Guisborough TA. Grinkle Park held Ennis Square A to a respectable 3-3 tie.

Division Two

Result of the week was posted by Marske Workies B who recorded an excellent 5-1 home win against Saltburn Cons. B. The clash of the week was between second and third placed teams Val's Priory A and Redcar Workies B. Before this match Redcar Workies were holding onto the second automatic promotion spot, that was until they were beaten 5-1. Redcar Unionist's B also recorded an excellent 5-1 home win against the Lodge's B team. Redcar Lakes D also beat Val's Priory B by the same scoreline. Brotton Workies rediscovered their form with a 5-1 away win against Guisborough Cons. B. South Bank Albion recorded a 4-2 away win against the Lodge's A team. Redcar Cons. B recorded an excellent 4 - 2 home win against Ennis Square B.

Worthington CIU

Team Knockout

Coundon will meet Brandon in the final at Ferryhill after they both came through their semi-finals with a fairly comfortable points margin.

Newton Aycliffe conceded 12 points start to Coundon at Crowtrees but the deficit was wiped out when Ronnie Hall beat Billy Goggins by 24 points. Willy Shoulder was next up for Coundon and produced a good show of potting to beat Aycliffe's leading player this season, Michael Hewitt by 32 points to push Coundon ahead.

Mally Ryder maintained the Coundon momentum with a late burst to beat Mark Howe by ten points to give Coundon a thirty points lead. Richie Young pulled Newton Aycliffe back into the match with a very good win over Frank Nicholson where he cut the Coundon lead to 14 points. The final frame was the battle of the captain's with Graham Goulbourn playing Aycliffe's John Briddick, who managed to close the gap But Goulbourn got his potting arm going to take his team into the final with a forty-one points advantage.

Brandon faced the potential giant-killers from the Third Division, Ferryhill B, who received 71 points start at Tow Law. However the packed house proved too much for the Ferryhill side, who never reached their normal playing standard and finished up 106 points behind.

In the first frame Mark Wilson of Ferryhill seemed to set the standard when he missed numerous balls, which he would normally have taken. Brandon's John Hall took advantage and went on to win by 49 points. Chris Buston was next up for Ferryhill and never found his range as Kevin Sample won by fifty points to move Brandon ahead.

Les Lewis made a fine attempt to keep Ferryhill in the match but went down by thirteen points to Brian Graham, who took the last four colours. David nelson also was in with a shout against Brandon's Graham Jackson but again missed chances and went down by eighteen points. Ian Roddam of Ferryhill faced the mountainous task of being 59 points behind in the final frame and never had a hope of catching Colin Goodrick who was 47 points ahead when the match was conceded.

Results: Brandon 327 Ferryhill B 221; Newton Aycliffe 215 Coundon 256.

Worthington CIU Pairs Final

AAisbitt and George Chapman of Cockton Hill met Andy Craig and Dave Harris of Stanley Central at Newhouse, where the table had just been recovered 24 hours earlier, in the final to be decided on the aggregate scores over three frames. The new cloth a decisive factor as both pairs took time to settle to the table.

The early stages saw tight safety mixed with some misses from good chances by both pairs. The Stanley team were just four points ahead when a long struggle for the final brown saw Andy Craig pot it and follow with blue, pink and black to take the first frame at 62-35.

The second frame completely killed off the hopes of the Cockton Hill pair when Andy Craig got in early with a 30 break and then Dave Harris followed with a 44 break. This gave them the frame at 102-15 and a lead of 114 points. The Cockton Hill pair made a valiant attempt at the impossible in the final frame but had to resign when they led 26-25.

Worthington CIU

Team Plate

Shotton Palms met Willington in the semi-final at Langley Park and went through to meet Spennymoor B in the final at Sherburn Village with an 89 points victory. Willington had to concede two points start but Arthur Goldsborough pulled off a great first frame for Willington when he beat Shotton's leading player, Paul Hickman by 17 points.

The tables were turned in the second frame when Shotton's Colin Jobes, who had not managed a league win during the past season, found his shooting form and he beat Gordon Parkin by fifty points. The Willington captain, Tom Parkin fared slightly worse when he lost by fifty-one point to James Evans junior.

Jeremy Martin, Willington's leading player, pulled 11 points back when he beat Dave Swindle but this left Stan Bennett the impossible task of giving Jimmy Evans 75 points start in the final frame. Evans edged ahead by eighteen points when the match was conceded.

Sherburn Village started their match against Spennymoor B on level terms at Hunwick and Michael Crisp moved them ahead when he beat Alan Rouell of Spennymoor in a tight nip and tuck match by 15 points. The Moors looked good at the star of frame two when Wayne Parry made a 38 break. However his zooming confidence failed to pay off when he attempted a difficult plant, missed and let Scott Mallaburn in with a 29 break. Scott later capitalised on his recovery and took the colours from the green to win by 21 points.

It was the colours which decided the frame between Sherburn's Peter McGowan and Micky Anderson. After a close struggle with both players putting in breaks in the teens, Anderson took the colours to win by 22 points. The shock of the night came in the next frame when Sherburn's captain, John Bower failed to find his normal touch late in the frame and Gary Easen, helped by a fortunate fluke on the final red, took most of the colours to win by 46 points and put the Moors 32 ahead.

Alan Greener faced an uphill task with a 32 points deficit against Alan Clarke in a tight safety opening where the score was only four each after twenty minutes. Neither player was able to score heavily, but Greener was well below his best as he lost the final frame by 22 points.

Shotton Palms will now meet Spennymoor B at Sherburn Village in the final.

Results: Sherburn Village 207 Spennymoor B 261; Shotton Palms 284 Willington 195.

SWD Association

Darlington Cricket Club became the early leaders of the First Division when they whitewashed the visiting Barnard Castle Glaxo and hold a two points lead over Bishop Auckland Golf Club. Glaxo and Bishop Auckland Cricket Club, who drew with the visiting Darlington Snooker Club A, share third place. The Bishops cricketers had wins from Peter Mernor with a 36 break and Steven Webb, whilst the visitors levelled with wins from Carl Johnson and Paul Harland.

In the Second Division Bishop Auckland Kingsway Club made a fine start when they whitewashed the visiting Rise Carr. The home points came from George Stamp, William Hewitt, Ray Kellett and Michael Hanratty. Darlington Snooker Club B lead the Second Division with the Kingsway Club and Northgate a point behind.

Results: Bishop Auckland Cricket Club 2 Darlington Snooker Club A 2; Darlington Cricket Club 4 Barnard Castle Glaxo 0; Shildon Elm Road 3 Tindale Crescent 1; Darlington Snooker Club C 1 Darlington Snooker Club B 3. Bishop Auckland Golf Club v Hopetown postponed.

Crook League

The qualifiers for the League Singles Championship are Michael Burke of Crook Travellers Rest B, Lee Scott of Crook Coach and Horses A, Dave Walker of Crook Olde Horse Shoe A and Lee Taylor of Crook Travellers Rest B. The draw for the semi-finals will be made at 8pm prompt on Finals Night, to be held at Crook Spitfire Club on Wednesday, May 5.

The League Pairs Championship between Neil Campbell and Lee Taylor of Crook Travellers Rest B and Les Scott and Gerald Parkin of Crook Coach and Horses B will be played at the same venue on the same night.