FROM the moment the curtain rises, you know you're in for a fun evening in the capable hands of Darlington Operatic Society. It's 20 years since the society performed Gilbert and Sullivan's The Gondoliers, but this production is fresh and amusing, with up to date references cleverly inserted into W S Gilbert's dialogue.

The costumes are lovely with the possible exception of the powdered wigs in the court scenes, but then wigs often do take on a life of their own.

The principals and chorus all do an excellent job, the singing and acting is joyous and twinkles with humour. Martyn Knight, ably assisted by Joanne Hand, admirably overcomes the problem of moving a lot of people around the stage without anyone bumping into anyone else, and his choreography appears simple but very effective, with jaunty little steps that everyone carries off with great success. They even manage to stay in time for the Fandango. and the scene combining tap-dancing with trampolining is a triumph.

The plot is secondary to the music and dancing, of course, but it involves a young noblewoman, married in infancy to the heir to the throne. Now her impoverished father must find the lost prince, who is rumoured to have been brought up by a local gondolier to follow in his footsteps. But which of the gondolier's two likely lads has the blue blood? You'll have lots of fun finding out.

Until May 8. Box Office: (01325) 486555

Published: 30/04/2004