A TOWN council is opposing plans to pull down a former farmhouse outside village development limits and replace it with a modern four bedroomed property.

Boroughbridge Town Council said the scheme, at New House Farm, Minskip, is nearly identical to previous plans.

The council said that while it appreciated the design of this house, it felt it would be out of character in its situation on the approach to the village and would have too great a visual impact.

Two letters backed the plan.

But Harrogate Borough Council planning officer Andy Hough is recommending the scheme be refused.

He said the replacement development would be in open countryside, beyond development limits for the village.

Because of the new property's size, it failed to comply with council policy, he said.

Mr Hough said that while he would not object to the contemporary design, its size and prominence would alter the character of the approach to Minskip.

As part of the scheme, outbuildings would also be demolished.

A planning committee of Harrogate Borough Council will rule on the application on Tuesday.