CHARTERED accountant Pam Taylor has been raising funds by going up in the world.

She collected more than £10,000 for Scope, the cerebral palsy charity, by taking part in an expedition to the Himalayas, trekking to above the Everest base camp.

More than £3,500 of her sponsorship came from collections at the annual dinners of the Northern Society of Chartered Accountants and its Teesside branch, of which she is a former chairman.

Ms Taylor embarked on the trip after taking early retirement from PricewaterhouseCoopers, in Newcastle, where she was a tax partner.

While in the Himalayas, Ms Taylor climbedto the 18,000ft summit of Kalapatthar in strong winds.

"There were times when I had to cling on to the rocks to avoid being blown off," said Ms Taylor, of Farnham, North Yorkshire.

"I felt more relief than exhilaration on finally reaching the top and when I got back to camp, over 11 hours after leaving it, I had never felt so tired in my life."