A PLANNED memorial to a battle which proved a significant victory for the Scots over the English has won £20,000 funding from the Local Heritage Initiative (LHI).

The Battle of Newburn Ford, which took place on August 27, 1640, led to the occupation of Newcastle.

Today, much of the battle site lies within the boundaries of Newcastle City Council's Tyne Riverside Country Park.

With the help of LHI funding, a series of events to raise awareness of the battle will be held.

The project is being run by park ranger Gillian Brown and assistant Ken Watson, with the Friends of Tyne Riverside Country Park.

Central to the project will be a battle re-enactment, held from September 24 to 27 by the Earl of Loudon's First Regiment of Foot.

Anyone with battle artefacts is welcome at a Show Us Yer Artefacts day on Saturday, May 15, at the park visitor centre, where a panel of experts will be on hand.