The competition on Sunday, April 18th was cancelled due to a waterlogged course. The midweek Stableford competition was held on Wednesday, April 14.

The winners were as follows: 1st Alan Biglin, 38 points; 2nd Mark Inglis 38 points (on countback; 3rd Neil Rowley 37 points (on countback).

The first ladies competition of the year was held on Saturday, April 17. This was a Stableford competition. The winners were: 1st Maggie Brown, 2nd Sally Buckley, 3rd Shirley Blareau.

On Wednesday, April 14 two teams from Stressholme competed in the Teesside Alliance competition at Barnard Castle. The competition for the McQuistan Shield is a single medal team of four (best three to count). The team of Paddy Byrne, Dave Fawcett, Peter Raine, Geoff Bell came second with a score of 222. They were beaten by 1 stroke by a team from Barnard Castle.

Harry Robinson/Laura Brown played April 25: Division One: 1 D Marshall 37 points; 2 Andrew Watson 35; 3 Fred Pawass 34.

Division Two: 1 Kevin Peacock 39; 2 John Watling 37; 3 John Pryke 37.