A TEAM of students has fought off strong competition at the British Colleges' Sport National finals to win golds.

The girls' cross-country team, from Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough, east Cleveland, ran against seven teams at the competition in Loughborough.

Cross-country runners Claire Adams, Sam Hart, Rachel Lightfoot, Angarah Owen, Debbie Hastings-Long, and Laura McPherson gained golds after they qualified as the North-East winners at heats held at Huddersfield in November.

This was the first time they had run together as a team because they are members of different clubs.

Debbie Hastings-Long said: "Team spirit was high and we really did go all-out to help each other. We were determined to win.

"The whole experience of going to Loughborough was really good. I wanted to come in the top 20, so I was delighted when I came 16th overall."

Craig Granger gained a silver medal at the finals as a member of the North-East's swimming team.