A children's author who admitted a series of sex attacks on young girls fascinated by his fantasy books was facing jail today.

William Mayne staged regular naked romps with the girls, who were all aged between six and 16, at his homes in North Yorkshire and London.

Mayne, who wrote novels around the legend of King Arthur, preyed on the girls, who were all spellbound by his books during the 1960s and early 1970s.

The pensioner was known in literary circles for his fantasy trilogy called Earthfasts, Cradlefasts and Candlefasts.

The 76-year-old went on trial last month facing two specimen charges of rape against a female under 13 between July 11, 1960, and July 11, 1965, and 13 counts of indecent assault against seven other youngsters between March 23, 1960, and May 24, 1975.

Mayne, of Parson Hill, Thornton Rust, North Yorkshire, denied all charges but on the third day of his trial at Teesside Crown Court he dramatically changed his plea and admitted carrying out 11 of the sex attacks.

Judge David Bryant ordered the jury to return not guilty verdicts to the rape charges and said two other counts of indecent assault should lie on file.

He told the author: ''I should make it clear to you that I do not see any alternative to a custodial sentence in this case.''