A PENSIONER celebrated his 80th birthday in style on Sunday by launching himself out of a plane.

Fearless Fred Deakin, of Sherburn, near Durham City, took part in a tandem parachute jump from 14,000 feet, with instructor Richard Kalinski at the Peterlee Parachute Centre.

"It wasn't at all terrifying," he said. "You have got to believe in it to do it."

It was his third annual sponsored jump, taken on to raise cash in memory of his late wife, Mary, who died from cancer in July 1999.

Funds raised will go to St Cuthbert's Hospice in Durham, where Mary spent her last days.

Staff at the parachute centre waived the £225 jump fee, so Mr Deakin is donating it to the hospice, along with his sponsorship money.

Mr Deakin, who works as a volunteer at the parachute centre, said this would be his last leap out of a plane.

"I am not doing any more," he said. "It is a crazy thing to do really, at my time of life."