A PENSIONER who admitted child sex charges was jailed yesterday for two-and-a-half years.

Roland Bennett, 71, indecently assaulted two young girls, one aged just eight at the time, and warned they could be put into homes if they told of their ordeals.

The attacks happened between December 2002 and last January.

A charge of attempted rape was dropped after his guilty pleas were entered last month to the lesser charges.

Because his young victims were said to be terrified of bumping into him after his release, Judge John Milford made a restraining order preventing him from living or visiting within ten miles of Easington Lane High Street, east Durham.

That means he will not be able to return to his former home at Thomas Street, in the town where the attacks happened.

Judge Milford also extended his licence period for a further two years after his release through fear he may strike again and disqualified him from ever working with children.

Bennett will be registered as a sex offender for life.

Defence barrister Nick Peacock told the court: "He was not able to control himself."

Mr Peacock said Bennett was not well and prison would have a "profound" effect upon him.