A SCHOOL is hoping for a top award after beating 800 primary schools to gain a place in the last five of an international Times Educational Supplement competition.

Pupils from Northgate Junior School, Guisborough, were picked from thousands of schools worldwide who took part in the newspaper's Newsday 2004 International Challenge.

The nine and ten-year-olds had two days to put together a newspaper containing local, national, international news.

But the 15 youngsters had completed their computer- generated 21-page paper within one school day in March.

Teacher Kate Limbert said: "They've done really well and worked extremely hard.

"It was a very hard day. The children missed breaks and finished their lunch quickly and even stayed late after school to clear up afterwards.

"They are all chuffed to bits. We got distinctions in 2001 and 2003 in the competition but we've never got to the top five before. We're delighted.

"Some have shown a real flair for journalism and they have all improved their literary skills."

The school has been invited to an awards ceremony at the Palace of Westminster on June 18, when they hope they may win the award for the top primary school in the competition.

The school is looking for financial support to pay for transport to allow three of the children and a teacher to attend the ceremony.

Anyone who can help is asked to call the school on (01287) 635728.