A DOMESTIC violence counsellor accused of throwing a picture frame at his former girlfriend told police the only crime he had committed was falling in love with a liar.

Former JP Paul Geldart had been assigned to support Melanie Lumsden by a women's refuge.

They started an intimate relationship in March 2002, but Mr Geldart, 46, told Newcastle Crown Court yesterday that they separated four months later because of the mother-of-two's lies.

On August 26, 2002, Miss Lumsden visited Mr Geldart's home in Hercules Street, Darlington, where she declared her undying love for him and kissed him passionately.

Mr Geldart, a former Darlington Borough Council member, thought they were getting back together, but said he was left broken-hearted when he saw her later that day in a car with a man, who he believed she was seeing.

Miss Lumsden, 28, then went to her friend Sharon Hardy's house in Darlington.

Mr Geldart arrived soon after and is accused of slamming a picture frame into Miss Lumsden's face, causing a cut to her head that required staples, a cut to her cheek that required plastic surgery and a small cut to her eye.

However, the 6ft 4in, 18-stone former rugby player said it was an accident, describing claims it was deliberate as rubbish.

He told police: "The only crime I have committed in this town and country is falling in love with a liar."

Robin Turton, prosecuting, said Mr Geldart was jealous and insecure and felt humiliated and betrayed by her.

He said: "You are a counsellor, a well-known person in your local area, something of a local celebrity, and you consider yourself a man of stature and reputation.

"She made you feel like a fool. You were not just angry, you were furious."

Mr Geldart replied: "I was not angry, I was upset, I was devastated, I was crying."

Mr Turton said: "You crossed that line moment-arily between love and hate, didn't you? And in a jealous rage and petulant fury, you threw that photo frame at her." Mr Geldart replied: "Not true."

One witness, Sarah Smith, told the court that in 2001, she had initially helped Miss Lumsden to frame an innocent man for assault, but later withdrew her statement.

Mr Turton suggested that Mrs Smith only withdrew her statement to spite Miss Lumsden after they fell out.

Mr Geldart denies assault occasioning actual bodily harm. The case continues.