A SERIES of police raids uncovered a cannabis farm in Middlesbrough yesterday.

Cleveland Police's Assistant Chief Constable Adam Briggs served notice on crooks in Middlesbrough as police officers, community support officers and street wardens swamped a Middlesbrough neighbourhood, following the series of lunchtime raids.

Officers yesterday raided five addresses in the Grove Hill area of the town, and uncovered a cannabis farm.

The raids, which targeted five properties, were part of the long-running Operation Sabre, the single biggest crackdown on criminals ever run in Cleveland.

Mr Briggs said: "Sabre is tackling drugs, drug dealers and criminals and sending out a strong message that this is relentless.

"We intend that criminals will be continually looking over their shoulders.

"We intend to keep these people on the run. It's what we want and what the public want.

"They are delighted to see such action and I am happy to tell them it will be continuing for a very long time.''

The raids were followed up by the arrival on the estate's streets of 140 police support officers and street wardens who carried out high visibility patrols.

Three men and a woman were arrested as a result of the raids in Grove Hill.

A 19-year-old woman and two men, aged 22, were being held on suspicion of possessing heroin with intent to supply after a property in Hillside Avenue was targeted by police.

The third man, aged 29, presented himself to the police after officers discovered a cannabis farm in Eden Road.

Approximately 40 plants with a street value of about £20,000, as well as sophisticated heating, lighting and watering equipment were in an upstairs room.

Nearly 40 people were arrested on the first day of the operation which began last month, when up to 500 officers took part in the unprecedented round-up of the area's most wanted.

The targets were burglars, thieves, drug dealers and hooligans.

Twenty-five licensed premises were visited, 50 anti-social behaviour contracts were given to parents about the behaviour of their children, and 90 stop checks and searches were carried out