SUPPORTERS of Macmillan Cancer Relief are being urged to support fundraising events.

Although the charity has reached its target of £600,000 to improve services for cancer patients and their families in County Durham, volunteers are hoping to hit £750,000 by the end of the year.

To do this, which would allow the charity to fund breast-care specialist nurse and dietary advice team posts, supporters can attend a number of fundraising events.

Tomorrow, The Seven Stars at Shincliffe is holding a gourmet five-course dinner in aid of the appeal.

The dinner, prepared by chef Enzo Sechi with wines selected by Oddbins, will donate £2 from every meal service to the Durham charity appeal.

The Seven Stars will double the total raised from the dinner and will also add all proceeds from a raffle to the donation. Anyone wishing to book is asked to telephone 0191-384 6454.

Alternatively, supporters can walk, run, cycle or roller-skate for a mile in aid of the charity, as part of the Macmillan Miles Challenge, which runs until Sunday.

Next month, teams of four or eight are being invited to join a day of adventure, driving off-road vehicles, shooting clay pigeons and testing their archery skills.

Thanks to the generosity of the Todd family, owners of the Weardale Off-Road Centre, near Wolsingham, the cost of taking part in the day-long event is a heavily discounted £150 per person, including refreshments.

For more information contact 0191 378 1188.