A TOWN'S security camera system is a year old.

Middlesbrough's cameras have directly led to 521 arrests in its first year of operation.

The round-the-clock tapes have recorded robberies, soliciting, kerb crawling, drug dealing, assaults, vandalism, trading standards and licensing offences.

Councillor Barry Coppinger, Middlesbrough's executive member for public protection, said: "Crime in Middlesbrough has decreased steadily over the past year. There is no doubt that our integrated approach, bringing together police, council and fire services has made a major impact.

He said cameras, used in this co-ordinated way, with resources such as street wardens, was at the heart of the strategy, allowed instant response and helped to build up a picture of the town 24 hours a day. Resources could then be deployed strategically.

Sixteen extra cameras are to be installed next month.