TWO brothers were reunited in harmony last night at a gala concert.

Ray and Paul Farr have lived in different countries for more than 15 years, but were back together for the musical feast in Durham's Elvet Methodist Church, where each took the podium to conduct bands.

Ray leads the Reg Vardy/Ever Ready band, which has been appointed Durham University's brass band in residence.

Paul, who spent 16 years as a horn player with the Halle Orchestra, and will play at this year's Proms in London's Royal Albert Hall, lives in Jorpeland, Norway, where he leads his town's brass band.

Taking part in a goodwill tour of the region with his band, Paul was delighted to take the opportunity to team up with Ray for the concert.

The Jorpeland Band will play at Beamish Museum, County Durham, from 11.30am tomorrow, while Ray's band will travel to Cambridge soon to take part in the All England Master's competition.

Among the guests at the concert were Sir Peter Vardy, the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress of Durham, Councillor George and Mrs Min Hunter, and Bishop Auckland MP Derek Foster.

Published: 29/05/2004