HEALTH workers have thanked volunteers from across the region.

Sixteen Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) organised the event to recognise the efforts of 30 members of the Expert Patients Programme.

The programme offers courses to help people learn to cope better with long-term conditions such as arthritis, asthma, back pain, diabetes and mental health issues.

Those taking part in the course then run tutorials to help others in their own communities.

Rebecca Willshee, acting senior trainer for the Expert Patients Programme North-East, said: "Research has shown that the overall benefits of Expert Patients Programmes or user-led self-management courses for people with long-term benefits are numerous.

"They can help reduce severe symptoms, improve quality of life, increase confidence and enable people to offer support to each other."

The event took place in Durham and Chester-le-Street PCT headquarters in John Snow House, Durham City. Volunteers received certificates.

If you wish to help the programme please call 0191-374 4169.