REFUGEES will be welcomed to Teesside with a music event.

Asylum-seekers and residents in Middlesbrough have come up with the idea of the event.

More than 70 asylum-seekers and their families have arrived in the town this year.

Tanweer Fatemah Khimji, 17, is an organiser of the International Fashion, Dance and Music Extravaganza on Thursday, June 17.

She said: "This event is not only in the interests of bringing together asylum-seekers and non-asylum-seekers, it is in the interests of bringing all culture from all of the Tees Valley together to understand, enjoy and appreciate each others' differences."

Fellow organiser Anthony Boden, also 17, said: "We want this event to be yet another example of the valuable contribution that refugees and asylum-seekers make to the local culture and society."

The event will be at the International Community Centre, in Abingdon Road, Middlesbrough, three days into the start of International Refugee Week.

Organisations such as the North of England Refugee Service, Lifeline and Fitness First will have information stalls at the event.

Published: 07/06/2004