The crisis of confidence in the Wear Valley economy caused by a catalogue of high profile job losses led to the establishment of the Weardale Task Force.

Chaired by John Hamilton and combining the expertise and assistance of all the relevant agencies in the region, the group established seven flagship projects that would reinvigorate the rural economy:

* Eastgate Cement Works - a draft programme has been produced for the redevelopment of the site into a potential National Renewable Energy Centre, a mixed use development providing housing, business space and a tourism attraction. Further public consultation exercise is planned for later this year after drilling on site to analyse the potential of using 'hot rocks' underground to provide geothermal energy. A feasibility study will start next month (July) and the outcome is expected in September.

* Weardale Heritage Railway - £1.2m European funding secured towards providing the first regular rail passenger service into the Wear Valley since 1953. Phase one due to be launched on July 17 with re-opening of the line between Stanhope and Wolsingham.

* Harperley PoW Camp - farm shop, tea rooms, garden centre and gift shop opened Easter and work is ongoing for the opening of the site as a museum

* Wolsingham Business Park - initial site investigation has been done and development options and access plans are being pursued

* Broadband - One NorthEast invested £10m to help BT upgrade all telephone exchanges in the region to provide ADSL broadband. The timetable to enable exchanges in Weardale is: Edmundbyers, Witton-le-Wear - end June 04; Blanchland- end Oct 04; Eastgate, Frosterley, Tow Law, Wearhead - Feb 05. Areas outside the scope of ADSL, DurhamNET has established a node in Stanhope to provide 'last mile' connection in schools, businesses, community centres and libraries. WeardaleNET is developing community access points, the first at Durham Dales Centre, in Stanhope, is now live.

* Stanhope Market Town Initiative - market town team is in place to hold and promote annual events and a promotional programme and develop networks such as Weardale Visitors Network

* Rural Bureau - Durham County Council is advancing this scheme.

Mr Hamilton said: "We are delighted with progress on these hugely important initiatives for Weardale.

"The Task Force reaffirms its commitment to seeing the Initiative through, thanks Dalesfolk for their support, and looks forward to their further input in the future."