THOUSANDS of people turned out at the weekend for a day of festivities.

Families from across Derwentside travelled to Blackhill and Consett Park, on Sunday, for a fun day to mark the end of the Celebrate Success campaign.

The campaign focused on the achievements of 26 business and community leaders, and used their examples as inspiration to others.

Ross Bullerwell, senior development officer for Derwentside District Council and project manager, said: "It was amazing just how many people turned up preparing to spend the whole day here."

The event featured the Alan Robson Roadshow from Metro Radio, music from Consett Junior Brass Band, and a showcase of up and coming North-East acts, organised by Adam Chetter, of Genius Entertainment in Stanley.

Councillor David Llewelyn, the council's executive member for economy, said: "Many of our recognised achievers during the campaign attended the event bringing family and friends and the atmosphere was terrific."