THE plight of a hair stylist battling leukaemia has moved company bosses to raise money for a charity close to her heart.

Michelle Woods, who works at Saks, in Yarm, is fighting acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, and at an awards ceremony two months ago, received a cheque for £1,000 to donate to the Anthony Nolan Trust.

Now the company's head office has chosen to raise funds for the charity over the next 12 months.

Miss Woods and a team from Saks have already helped raise £1,400 for The Anthony Nolan Trust by taking part in the first zip-slide from the top of the Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge recently.

She said: "The Anthony Nolan Trust is such a worthy cause, saving lives every day, so every penny counts.

"Since I was diagnosed with my illness, the trust has given me so much support and is still trying to find a donor for me.

"By getting me involved, they have helped me grow as a person and build my confidence. It is great that Saks will help raise awareness of the charity within the group and beyond."