A COMPANY that recently announced a £1m investment in its plant is also investing in its staff.

Stairlift manufacturer Bison Bede, based in Consett, has contracted Derwentside Training to help boost the skills of its administrative staff.

Eight office workers have begun City and Guilds courses in English and maths, and more will start in September.

The company was recently awarded a Personal Learning Award from the North-East Business Awards for the development of its staff.

Personnel officer Nancy Trenerry said: "It was wonderful for the company to be described as an exemplary employer at the awards ceremony.

"But our commitment to personal development is not just about having plaques.

"It is much more about creating a culture of continuous improvement for all our staff."

In January, Bison Bede announced investment of more than £1m in the development of its latest curved stairlift at the plant, rather than giving the work to a supplier in Korea.

Managing director Steve Dickinson said: "After considering all the options, which included manufacture in the Far East, we decided that the workforce in Consett was by far and away the best option for the production of our new stairlift.

"Our commitment to personal development goes hand-in-hand with our commitment to improving business performance."