TWO of the UK's biggest high street retail chains are improving the way they operate by working with business students.

Masters degree students at the University of Sunderland are looking at diversity, and rights and responsibilities issues for John Lewis and Marks and Spencer in the North-East.

The move follows a successful partnership between the university business school and some of the world's leading companies.

The business school's Visits and Speakers programme has been such a success it has led to the involvement of companies and organisations that also include the British Airports Authority, Nike, Ikea, Nexus and Northumbria Police.

The scheme sees postgraduate students visit organisations in the region to see how they work.

Reports to the rest of their class are based on information obtained during the visits.

The students also attend lectures by the companies' senior executives.

Some of the students have been offered in-company projects.

Bosses at John Lewis, which is co-owned by employees, are working with student Eleni Galifianaki on rights and responsibilities.

Fellow students Fatiha Bougrassa and Bertrand M'Boungou are looking at diversity for Marks and Spencer, while Baz Khinda is working on diversity issues for Northumbria Police.