AN acrobatic duo and a stuntman are among the star attractions at a North-East forest festival this year.

The Forestry Commission is staging an extravaganza at Kielder Castle, Kielder Forest, Northumberland, on Sunday, August 1.

The 155,000-acre beauty spot will be bursting at the seams with music, dance, circus acts, ancient crafts, birds of prey, huskies, pony rides and a rally car simulator.

The forest show is a highlight in a packed week of events across the North Tyne from July 31 to August 8, billed as the first Festival of Kielder and organised by the Kielder Partnership.

The Red Arrows aerobatic team will fly past next Saturday, joined by a Lancaster, Spitfire and Hurricane of the Battle Britain Memorial Flight and the RAF Falcons parachute team.

Topping the bill at the Forest Festival the following day is the UK's top mountain bike stunt rider, Jez Avery, with Fairy Fire duo of Sophie and Jacob McGragh blending fire, dance and acrobatics.

Forestry Commission chief recreation ranger Richard Gilchrist said the forest festival had grown in the past few years.

"But this time there's a full week of events to enjoy and we are pulling out all the stops to lure more visitors to the area, while offering locals the opportunity to sample the delights on their doorstep."

The festival includes a yacht regatta on the reservoir, folk festival, art tours, European trout angling competition and other attractions. For more details, call (01434) 220643/220616 or visit